10 Things To Do When Bored

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

There is nothing worse than feeling bored.  Those kinds of days when you just don't know what to do somehow always sneak in and I’m not very keen of them. To overcome the boredom I decided to make a list to do when you are feeling boringly.  They are super fun and in some way productive. 

There is nothing worse than feeling bored.  Those kinds of days when you just don't know what to do somehow always sneak in and I’m not very keen of them. To overcome the boredom I decided to make a list to do when you are feeling boringly.  They are super fun and in some way productive. 

November Book Haul!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Last week was all about the books. It was the week that I was looking forward to the whole year. Book Fair week. I get very excited for even the thoughts about books and to walk, touch and buy them for me is like a second Christmas. As an almost professional book worm last week was absolutely amazing. I bought a few books so I decided to do a book haul.

Last week was all about the books. It was the week that I was looking forward to the whole year. Book Fair week. I get very excited for even the thoughts about books and to walk, touch and buy them for me is like a second Christmas. As an almost professional book worm last week was absolutely amazing. I bought a few books so I decided to do a book haul.

5 Things I Want To Make Time For

Friday, November 4, 2016

We all have those things that we always say we’re going to make time for but never actually do. I’ve been recently thinking about those things and I decided that I’m going to do my best to find some time for them. I know it can be pretty hard to do so but I really think that organization is half the job and you only need a little bit of will.

We all have those things that we always say we’re going to make time for but never actually do. I’ve been recently thinking about those things and I decided that I’m going to do my best to find some time for them. I know it can be pretty hard to do so but I really think that organization is half the job and you only need a little bit of will.

15 Of My Favorite Feelings!

Friday, October 28, 2016

There are so many things and moments that make me feel just amazing and in generale happy. Those feelings that happen so fast and bring you that joy. I decided to write about them. Few weeks ago I saw this 15 Of My Favorite Feelings videos circling on the YouTube and it seemed like such an amazing idea. I decided to do it myself too. 

There are so many things and moments that make me feel just amazing and in generale happy. Those feelings that happen so fast and bring you that joy. I decided to write about them. Few weeks ago I saw this 15 Of My Favorite Feelings videos circling on the YouTube and it seemed like such an amazing idea. I decided to do it myself too.