Why I Prefer Physical Books Over Audiobooks

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Why I Prefer Physical Books Over Audiobooks

Have you ever wondered why were audiobooks invented and why a lot of people reach for them over physical books? 

The act of reading consisted of holding a physical book and reading each word until 1930. That is when the American Foundation for the Blinds decided to establish the first audiobook recording studio. Their goal was to make books more accessible to visually impaired individuals. 

Around 60 years later, in the 1990s, audiobooks gained popularity among non-impaired individuals. One of the reasons is the invention of portable audio players but also a lifestyle change. More people noticed that with their busy lifestyle, picking up a physical book and reading is much harder than playing an audiobook while they are on the go and multitasking. 

My Personal Opinion 

In the past, I only read physical books and honestly didn't even want to give audiobooks a chance. Then after seeing so many people loving audiobooks I gave in and started to listen to one audiobook. All of the reasons I had in the first place about audiobooks turned true for me. Here are the reasons why I still prefer physical books over audiobooks

1. The Tactile Experience 

There is something so special when you pick up a book, turn the page, and start reading. It makes the whole process much more mindful as you know that each page you turn makes it more real. It becomes a sort of ritual of leaving everything else and picking the book you are currently reading. You don't have that with audiobooks, at least I never experienced it. 

2. Focus and Concentration 

Multitasking is perceived as something good as some think that it allows them to be more productive and effective. I would disagree with that as I noticed that when you try and do multiple things at once you don't give 100% of your focus and energy to finish that one thing good. Of course, you can clean and listen to podcasts and call it a good multitasking but when you want to pay attention and remember what you are hearing or do a good job completing a hard task, then there is not much room for multitasking. 

This is why I don't prefer audiobooks. They make it easier for my mind to wander and want to do something else. Physical books make me stop everything else that is on my to-do list or mind and deeply focus on the book. Of course, even when you read a physical book your thoughts can wander but I still believe that it is less the case than when you are listening to audiobooks. I remember more of the plot of a book I physically read than the one I listened to. 

Visual Learning

3. Visual Learning 

Probably the biggest reason why I love physical books is that I'm a visual learner. When I read I immediately imagine all the characters and plot. I can't do that in the same way with audiobooks. Each description is much more vivid and stays imprinted in my mind for longer when I actually read the text myself. I would rather put on a 1 hour podcast while I'm doing some chores than an audiobook that has multiple characters, and plot twists and is 5 hours long. 

4. The Value of Ownership 

While I'm an avid book reader, I also enjoy the collecting part of it. Since I was a little girl I always wanted to build my own home library. I love the feeling of owning the book. Knowing that I can reach for my favorite books whenever I want and seeing them on my bookshelf provides such a joy I can't even explain to my not-reader friends. 

I'm sure that most of the book lovers will understand the value of owning a book. I know that some will find this to be overconsuming and providing more waste but in fact, most of the books on my bookshelf are bought second hand. I love those little second-hand bookstores or bookstands around the city. While I love to own books that doesn't mean that I like to spend a lot of money on them. 

While I can understand why so many people find audiobooks a way for them to discover more interesting books, the experience and benefits of physical books will always be more important to me. I would love to know your opinion. 

Do you reach for physical books or audiobooks more?

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