5 Ways To Decorate Dorm Room On A Budget

Monday, September 13, 2021

Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@jonathanborba?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Jonathan Borba</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/dorm-room?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>

For some new academic year has already started, and for others, it soon will. Living in a dorm room has so many advantages and disadvantages. Knowing that the tiny bedroom you share with another person is your home for quite some time, might sound scary. Don't worry, living in a dorm room can be a pleasant experience.

If you are yet to move to your dorm room, or you already moved, keep in mind that most dorm rooms are not designed to look homey. They were built to be effective. It is on you to add your personal touch and make it feel like home.

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Most dorm rooms are small and don't have a lot of storage space for all of your belongings. Having random things around your room will make it look messy and unorganized. There is a solution to that problem. Get cute storage boxes, containers, and baskets. They are the perfect way to storage all of your things and make them look stylish and organized. You can find cheap boxes on Amazon and Walmart. 

They come in different sizes and shapes. You can easily pick the ones that suit your room the most. I have one big black box that I keep my underclothing. I also have two small, white boxes in which I storage my skincare and body care products. Store your notebooks, books, food, and other office supplies. Even if you put random things in the basket, it will still look good. They don't only serve as a storage place but also as a decoration piece.


Nothing makes a room more festive and cozy than fairy lights. They are such a simple yet great way to give more warmth to your dorm room. Although, it may seem that fairy lights are suitable for Christmas time. I assure you that you can use them as a decoration the whole year long. I prefer little fairy lights with stars or hearts. 

String lights have the power to change your room. They are usually on battery, so I don't need to worry too much about them making any disaster. If you want fairy lights that work with electric power, be sure not to keep them close to anything that can make them explode and start a fire. Always turn them off when you are not in your dorm room.

Photo by john vicente on Unsplash


Here is my favorite way to decorate a dorm room. A dorm room is a place where you will probably spend most of your days. More so during colder months. Having a throw blanket on your bed will immediately make it look comfortable and warm. 

Choose bedding that fits the season or your style and complete the look with decorative pillows. Usually, your bed serves as a sofa. Laying decorative pillows on it during the day can make it look more inviting to sit on when you have friends over. Use colors that will pop and make your room feel brighter and happier.



The mistake most of us make when we first move to the dorm room, and probably do after as well, is taking too much stuff with us. The dorm room indeed becomes our home, but that doesn't mean you need to take everything from your home to the dorm room. There isn't usually a lot of storage space in the dorm rooms, to begin with, and you probably have a roommate as well. 

Try keeping it minimal and take only necessary. You can always go back home and bring more things that you need. Keep in mind that after the academic year is over, you will need to move out of the dorm room, and having too much unnecessary stuff will make it so much harder.


The one space that is most undecorated in dorm rooms is the floor. We all focus on our walls and shelves. The ground usually stays empty. That is a huge mistake because your dorm room will look much more complete with a fluffy rug. There are so many different ones you can easily find online or in your nearest furniture store. 

Be sure to use the shape and style that will not make your dorm room look even smaller than it is. White rugs might seem like a great idea but be aware that people coming into your room might not have clean shoes, and you don't want stains on your white rug.

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