3 Podcasts Worth Listening To

Friday, March 22, 2019

Podcasts definitely became quite popular in last few years. It seems like everybody is either talking about them or having their own. There are so many of them about everything and anything you can think about. I know how hard it can be to find the ones that you’ll enjoy listening to for a long period of time. I definitely tried to listen to some in the past and they just didn’t work for me. We are all interested in different fields and thankfully the variety of podcasts is incredible. As helpful as it is to have a lot of options it can also be quite confusing and frustrating. After a long time of searching for the right podcasts for me here are just 3 of which I think are worth listening to. 

Soul Sugar is a fairly new podcast in the podcast world. If you want to start listening to a podcast from a first episode then this may be the perfect start for you. The beautiful voice behind this podcast is Carrie Rad. She is a travel, lifestyle blogger and video creator. If you haven’t seen her videos I definitely recommend you to check them out. Soul Sugar is an expansion of her YouTube channel.

The podcast is where she talks about self love, self care and a lot of topics related to your everyday life. Although only two episodes have been released, her pleasant voice will make you want to hear more and more. We all need more self love and care which this podcast definitely emphasis and encourage. 

If you are in the blogging, entertainment or influencer world then you probably heard about this podcast before. If you haven’t heard about it yet then you can still get on the board. The hostess of this podcast is Jenna Kutcher. She might be a definition of a girl boss as there is probably nothing she can’t do. Her podcasts cover almost every aspect of how to land your dream business and live a life of your dreams. 

If you want to take your blogging or business game to a totally different level then you need to listen to this podcast. In episode she shares helpful tips and tricks on how to work for things you want. She also has a lot of incredible creators and business owners on her podcast who share their experience. 

I don’t think that I need to say much about this podcast except the fact that the queen herself aka Oprah Winfrey is the hostess. I must admit that only recently I started to really dive into all of the incredible episodes. Once you start listening to this podcast there is no going back. 

From each one of them you can take so much valuable information that really changes your perspective on different aspect of life. She interviews some of the most inspiring people out there and talks about topics that are close to all of us. I’m sure that from all of the incredible episodes you’ll find the ones that will be helpful for you.

Do you like to listen to podcasts? 
Have you listened to any of the ones I mentioned? 

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