It’s Okay If You’re Not Homesick

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Taking that next big step in life and moving away from your parents can be scary and overwhelming. When the feeling of insecurity and unknown starts to appear with them comes the homesickness. Well, sometimes we can even feel strange if we don’t feel homesick. We all need certain time to adapt to new situations. Sometimes we can feel guilty if we get used to new situation fast and we tend to not feel that homesick anymore. It’s a feeling that can make us feel uncertain. Here are some of the reasons that you’re not feeling homesick anymore and it’s completely okay. 

Taking that next big step in life and moving away from your parents can be scary and overwhelming. When the feeling of insecurity and unknown starts to appear with them comes the homesickness. Well, sometimes we can even feel strange if we don’t feel homesick. We all need certain time to adapt to new situations. Sometimes we can feel guilty if we get used to new situation fast and we tend to not feel that homesick anymore. It’s a feeling that can make us feel uncertain. Here are some of the reasons that you’re not feeling homesick anymore and it’s completely okay. 

Study Smarter Not Harder With This Study Technique

Saturday, January 12, 2019

If you are a university student or you were one then I’m sure that you all know how stressful some days can be. Student life definitely has its advantages but that period of time when all the exams come at once is definitely not one of them. There are a lot of different techniques for studying that I’m sure you already tried yourself. I’ve been there myself and realized that a lot of them just don’t work for me. Then, one day I stumbled upon one that completely changed my study game. 

If you are a university student or you were one then I’m sure that you all know how stressful some days can be. Student life definitely has its advantages but that period of time when all the exams come at once is definitely not one of them. There are a lot of different techniques for studying that I’m sure you already tried yourself. I’ve been there myself and realized that a lot of them just don’t work for me. Then, one day I stumbled upon one that completely changed my study game. 

6 Things you need to do on Your Day Off

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Those days when you’re off work or free from any university obligations might be rare but they are precious. Wasting those kinds of days doing absolutely nothing may not be the best idea. There is nothing worse than realizing that you’ve done absolutely nothing meaningful for the whole day and regretting it. Keep reading if you want to know which 6 things I think you should definitely do on your day off. 

Those days when you’re off work or free from any university obligations might be rare but they are precious. Wasting those kinds of days doing absolutely nothing may not be the best idea. There is nothing worse than realizing that you’ve done absolutely nothing meaningful for the whole day and regretting it. Keep reading if you want to know which 6 things I think you should definitely do on your day off. 

3 Ways to Cut Plastic From Your Everyday Life

Friday, January 4, 2019

I’m sure that most of you are already aware about the harm that the plastic is doing to our home, the Earth. I’m so happy that this issue is talked a lot and that more and more people are getting on a board to help cut the plastic use. If you are still not quite sure why exactly is the plastic such a big problem then you can find a lot of articles and videos about the topic. 

Plastic sneaked in our lives without us realizing or trying to realize how bad it actually is to not just our own health but for the health of the whole planet. I know how hard it is to stop using plastic when it seems that you just can’t get away of it. I have 3 simple but very meaningful ways that you can start practicing right now to make this world a cleaner and healthier for not only you but for the next generations as well.

I’m sure that most of you are already aware about the harm that the plastic is doing to our home, the Earth. I’m so happy that this issue is talked a lot and that more and more people are getting on a board to help cut the plastic use. If you are still not quite sure why exactly is the plastic such a big problem then you can find a lot of articles and videos about the topic. 

Plastic sneaked in our lives without us realizing or trying to realize how bad it actually is to not just our own health but for the health of the whole planet. I know how hard it is to stop using plastic when it seems that you just can’t get away of it. I have 3 simple but very meaningful ways that you can start practicing right now to make this world a cleaner and healthier for not only you but for the next generations as well.

Reflect For a Better New Year

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Well Happy New Year to all of you! 

I hope that you had a nice time welcoming it in a great company and that now you’re ready to make 2019 the best it can be. I’m sure that most of you already set some incredible goals for yourself and that you are determined to work for them. I think that looking forward to the future and all that it brings is very important but I also think that for a few moments going back to the last year and reflecting is what can help you to really start the new year in the best possible way. 

Well Happy New Year to all of you! 

I hope that you had a nice time welcoming it in a great company and that now you’re ready to make 2019 the best it can be. I’m sure that most of you already set some incredible goals for yourself and that you are determined to work for them. I think that looking forward to the future and all that it brings is very important but I also think that for a few moments going back to the last year and reflecting is what can help you to really start the new year in the best possible way.