No, these are not the photos from a Disney movie. These are the photos you can only take in one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to. The beautiful village of Hallstatt. The place that no other than the magnificent Alps are guarding. The place that makes you feel like you are in a fairy-tale and you just wait for all the magical creatures to show in front of your eyes.
No, these are not the photos from a Disney movie. These are the photos you can only take in one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to. The beautiful village of Hallstatt. The place that no other than the magnificent Alps are guarding. The place that makes you feel like you are in a fairy-tale and you just wait for all the magical creatures to show in front of your eyes.
Do you have
trouble concentrating?
A few months
ago I noticed that my concentration was getting worse and worse. I just
couldn’t focus long enough on just one thing without getting distracted. The
biggest cause of my distraction was social media.
Because of the constant
scrolling and the ability to do a lot of different things at once, it was like
my brain is constantly hopping from one thing to another. I guess it is because
I got used to always start different tasks at once and my attention span was
Do you have
trouble concentrating?
A few months
ago I noticed that my concentration was getting worse and worse. I just
couldn’t focus long enough on just one thing without getting distracted. The
biggest cause of my distraction was social media.
Because of the constant
scrolling and the ability to do a lot of different things at once, it was like
my brain is constantly hopping from one thing to another. I guess it is because
I got used to always start different tasks at once and my attention span was
When was the last time you went on a one day trip?
With the job, family and other obligations squeezing in a trip can be quite hard. Well, when the travel bug starts to make you only think about all the places you want to visit, a day trip might be the right option.
I know that a one-day trip has its positive and negative sides and that some people just don’t like having a one-day trip. In this post, I will try to break down the way you can have an enjoyable one-day trip even as soon as the next month.
When was the last time you went on a one day trip?
With the job, family and other obligations squeezing in a trip can be quite hard. Well, when the travel bug starts to make you only think about all the places you want to visit, a day trip might be the right option.
I know that a one-day trip has its positive and negative sides and that some people just don’t like having a one-day trip. In this post, I will try to break down the way you can have an enjoyable one-day trip even as soon as the next month.
Are you a slave of a bad habit?
The first thing that came into your mind after you read this question is the bad habit that is probably slowly ruining your life. As small or as big, bad habits have the ability to take you away from meaningful things that are waiting for you in your life. Having a bad habit isn’t something you should feel ashamed off, we as humans are weak and unfortunately we can accept bad habits faster than the good ones.
Although there is no reason to be ashamed it important that you are actively trying to get rid of that habit and not only passively give up and let it lead your life. Bad habits are hard but possible to break, as soon as you understand that you will be able to take a step into a right direction.
Are you a slave of a bad habit?
The first thing that came into your mind after you read this question is the bad habit that is probably slowly ruining your life. As small or as big, bad habits have the ability to take you away from meaningful things that are waiting for you in your life. Having a bad habit isn’t something you should feel ashamed off, we as humans are weak and unfortunately we can accept bad habits faster than the good ones.
Although there is no reason to be ashamed it important that you are actively trying to get rid of that habit and not only passively give up and let it lead your life. Bad habits are hard but possible to break, as soon as you understand that you will be able to take a step into a right direction.
Now more than ever we feel like we need to have all aspects of our lives under control. We are juggling work, family, friends, hobbies, personal development and dreams all at once. How wouldn’t we feel lost when it often feels like time is flying by, we are getting older and older and still running around trying to hold our lives in the right direction.
Now more than ever we feel like we need to have all aspects of our lives under control. We are juggling work, family, friends, hobbies, personal development and dreams all at once. How wouldn’t we feel lost when it often feels like time is flying by, we are getting older and older and still running around trying to hold our lives in the right direction.
Shopping is something that a lot of people find therapeutic and fun to do. Although shopping may be fun it shouldn't became something exaggerated. There are a lot of other things someone could do in replace of therapy and fun that shopping might present for them. Shopping isn’t only affecting your whole lifestyle, financial, emotional and physical it is also very damaging to the whole World because more things mean more waste.
While I do understand that some people have trouble putting an end to impulsive shopping I believe that the questions I’m going to share with you in this post could help anyone who is brave enough to reflect and realize that they are themselves impulsive shoppers and that it isn't benefiting them in any way. If you are one of them and you are willing to make a change I congratulate you as you are making step in the right direction.
Shopping is something that a lot of people find therapeutic and fun to do. Although shopping may be fun it shouldn't became something exaggerated. There are a lot of other things someone could do in replace of therapy and fun that shopping might present for them. Shopping isn’t only affecting your whole lifestyle, financial, emotional and physical it is also very damaging to the whole World because more things mean more waste.
While I do understand that some people have trouble putting an end to impulsive shopping I believe that the questions I’m going to share with you in this post could help anyone who is brave enough to reflect and realize that they are themselves impulsive shoppers and that it isn't benefiting them in any way. If you are one of them and you are willing to make a change I congratulate you as you are making step in the right direction.
Do you feel like you are one step behind everyone else?
It is like you are constantly finding and loosing yourself over and over again. Wandering around not knowing where you are headed or where you want to end up. No matter how old you are or how many things you’ve accomplished throughout your life you probably felt this way at least once. I believe that this is the feeling that more and more people are getting.
Something that always surprises me is the fact that I am always learning something new about others but particularly about myself. As soon as I thought that I figured myself out it ends up that it was only a top of the iceberg. We tend to forget that life is a journey. Just because we think that we got to our destination doesn’t mean that the journey is over.
Do you feel like you are one step behind everyone else?
It is like you are constantly finding and loosing yourself over and over again. Wandering around not knowing where you are headed or where you want to end up. No matter how old you are or how many things you’ve accomplished throughout your life you probably felt this way at least once. I believe that this is the feeling that more and more people are getting.
Something that always surprises me is the fact that I am always learning something new about others but particularly about myself. As soon as I thought that I figured myself out it ends up that it was only a top of the iceberg. We tend to forget that life is a journey. Just because we think that we got to our destination doesn’t mean that the journey is over.
When you hear about the “peer pressure” what is the first thing that comes into your mind?
For a long time the first thing I thought about was the peer pressure in the teenage years. What I had in mind was the pressure that is imposed by the group of teenagers who think that they can pressure others to do and think the same way that they do. Just recently I realized that peer pressure isn’t only limited to the adolescence it is present in most stages of human life.
When you hear about the “peer pressure” what is the first thing that comes into your mind?
For a long time the first thing I thought about was the peer pressure in the teenage years. What I had in mind was the pressure that is imposed by the group of teenagers who think that they can pressure others to do and think the same way that they do. Just recently I realized that peer pressure isn’t only limited to the adolescence it is present in most stages of human life.
How many times did life throw a curveball at you?
I'm sure that there's been quite a few of those moments and that you would rather keep it in the past. The way we deal with those kind of situations is what is crucial and what makes us or breaks us. Dealing with punches that life throws at us definitely isn't easy but there are better ways to receive them.
How many times did life throw a curveball at you?
I'm sure that there's been quite a few of those moments and that you would rather keep it in the past. The way we deal with those kind of situations is what is crucial and what makes us or breaks us. Dealing with punches that life throws at us definitely isn't easy but there are better ways to receive them.
Are you working from home?
Most people dream about working from the comfort of their own home. It is a dream that a lot of people accomplished and love but some didn't find it the right choice for them. I would be lying if I said that I’ve never thought about it and I'm sure that a lot of you who are reading this post are curious about it.
When I first started to think about it I could only find positive things that made me find this job as a perfect one. Something I forgot is that there isn't such a thing as a perfect job. While working from home I've got to realize a few things that I want to share with you.
When I first started to think about it I could only find positive things that made me find this job as a perfect one. Something I forgot is that there isn't such a thing as a perfect job. While working from home I've got to realize a few things that I want to share with you.
Are you working from home?
Most people dream about working from the comfort of their own home. It is a dream that a lot of people accomplished and love but some didn't find it the right choice for them. I would be lying if I said that I’ve never thought about it and I'm sure that a lot of you who are reading this post are curious about it.
When I first started to think about it I could only find positive things that made me find this job as a perfect one. Something I forgot is that there isn't such a thing as a perfect job. While working from home I've got to realize a few things that I want to share with you.
When I first started to think about it I could only find positive things that made me find this job as a perfect one. Something I forgot is that there isn't such a thing as a perfect job. While working from home I've got to realize a few things that I want to share with you.
Do You Have More Negative Than Positive Thoughts? Here’s How To Make A Change!
Friday, September 6, 2019
We all sometimes feel rather negative. It might be because of the things that are currently happening in our life or just because we got used to thinking that way. It is sort of a coping mechanism for the life. Negative thoughts once in a while are completely normal but what when they start to show up every day?
We all sometimes feel rather negative. It might be because of the things that are currently happening in our life or just because we got used to thinking that way. It is sort of a coping mechanism for the life. Negative thoughts once in a while are completely normal but what when they start to show up every day?
Are you having trouble with your skin?
I know exactly how you feel. My skin has been acting up since July and although it is nothing too serious I still want to make sure that it looks healthy and clear. I’m sure that you want the same thing so I decided to share with you my go to natural face pilling that you can easily make in not time.
Don’t worry it doesn’t contain any exotic or expensive ingredients. You probably already have all the ingredients needed in your kitchen cupboard. I’m sure you’re going to love it as much as I do.
Are you having trouble with your skin?
I know exactly how you feel. My skin has been acting up since July and although it is nothing too serious I still want to make sure that it looks healthy and clear. I’m sure that you want the same thing so I decided to share with you my go to natural face pilling that you can easily make in not time.
Don’t worry it doesn’t contain any exotic or expensive ingredients. You probably already have all the ingredients needed in your kitchen cupboard. I’m sure you’re going to love it as much as I do.
Have you heard about intentional living?
Neither did I until earlier this year. Minimalism was something I’ve been learning about and trying to incorporate in my everyday life for a year now. I tried to find best sources but also ways that I can include it in my lifestyle without it being forced into it.
I still find minimalism a great way of living a mindful and de-cluttering mental and physical life. I wanted to share with you the reason why I decided that intentional living might be better option for me.
Intentional living is a way of living where you are looking for an intention behind activity, material thing or something spiritual. It is a way of being mindful with the things that are surrounding you or situations that are happening in your life. This is just a simple and my interpretation of the intentional living.
Minimalism was something that I’ve been interested in and tried to incorporate it in my daily lifestyle. Although I knew that minimalism isn’t about getting rid of everything you own I still had quite a hard time getting on that path and that’s why I never called myself a minimalist.
I also realized that what I wanted to focus more on wasn’t not buying things or throwing away what I already own. I was always a very disciplined when it comes to shopping. I never go shopping just to relieve stress or because I’m bored. I’m conscious about things that I spend my money on. That’s why I usually go shopping when I really need something.
Another thing that I realized is that I put a lot of intention in the material but also non material things. I always ask myself “Do you really need it?” and “Do you see yourself using it in the future for a long time?” If answers to both of those questions are “Yes.”, then I buy that thing.
One day I accidentally stumbled upon a YouTube video that mentioned intentional living and then I had that “aha” effect. It was when I tried to learn even more about minimalism. I knew that intentional living is something that is much more natural to me than purely wanting to own less.
Although I was always very intentional with the things I own, now I wanted to be even more so. Not just for personal reasons but also for the environmental ones. We live in a world where we don’t really think carefully about the intention and what is behind the decision that we make. Living with intention is knowing when it is the right time to say no and to say yes.
Intentional living is much more than just saying “No” to material things that you don’t need. It is about saying “Yes” to experiences that will make your life and yourself a much better person.
Of course they can. I believe that intentional living and minimalism are very intertwined. Although you may not practice minimalism you can definitely see traces of it while you focus on intentional living. It goes vise versa as well; while you live a more intentional life you will notice that you are also living a more minimal lifestyle.
It all depends on what you want to focus more on. For some people minimalism is just way too scary and they can’t start to dive into that lifestyle. Others might find intentional living too burdensome. I believe that one of the reasons why a lot of people don’t choose either one of them or start but then soon give up is because they except perfection. They want to live a minimal life in a week or be more intentional over night. The truth is that things don’t work that way. We all know that way too good but still end up caught in the perfectionism trap.
I love intentional living and minimalism because I decide the ways I’m going to apply them in my life and I do it at own time and limit. Something that I’m trying to do is to go one step at the time and not beating myself up when I lose focus as that happens more than I would like to admit. Don’t give up before you even started. Get informed and work with yourself and your lifestyle. Don’t follow someone else’s way and then get disappointed when it doesn’t provide result you wanted to.
Have you heard about intentional living before?
Do you think you would be open to incorporating it in your lifestyle?
Have you heard about intentional living?
Neither did I until earlier this year. Minimalism was something I’ve been learning about and trying to incorporate in my everyday life for a year now. I tried to find best sources but also ways that I can include it in my lifestyle without it being forced into it.
I still find minimalism a great way of living a mindful and de-cluttering mental and physical life. I wanted to share with you the reason why I decided that intentional living might be better option for me.
Intentional living is a way of living where you are looking for an intention behind activity, material thing or something spiritual. It is a way of being mindful with the things that are surrounding you or situations that are happening in your life. This is just a simple and my interpretation of the intentional living.
Minimalism was something that I’ve been interested in and tried to incorporate it in my daily lifestyle. Although I knew that minimalism isn’t about getting rid of everything you own I still had quite a hard time getting on that path and that’s why I never called myself a minimalist.
I also realized that what I wanted to focus more on wasn’t not buying things or throwing away what I already own. I was always a very disciplined when it comes to shopping. I never go shopping just to relieve stress or because I’m bored. I’m conscious about things that I spend my money on. That’s why I usually go shopping when I really need something.
Another thing that I realized is that I put a lot of intention in the material but also non material things. I always ask myself “Do you really need it?” and “Do you see yourself using it in the future for a long time?” If answers to both of those questions are “Yes.”, then I buy that thing.
One day I accidentally stumbled upon a YouTube video that mentioned intentional living and then I had that “aha” effect. It was when I tried to learn even more about minimalism. I knew that intentional living is something that is much more natural to me than purely wanting to own less.
Although I was always very intentional with the things I own, now I wanted to be even more so. Not just for personal reasons but also for the environmental ones. We live in a world where we don’t really think carefully about the intention and what is behind the decision that we make. Living with intention is knowing when it is the right time to say no and to say yes.
Intentional living is much more than just saying “No” to material things that you don’t need. It is about saying “Yes” to experiences that will make your life and yourself a much better person.
Of course they can. I believe that intentional living and minimalism are very intertwined. Although you may not practice minimalism you can definitely see traces of it while you focus on intentional living. It goes vise versa as well; while you live a more intentional life you will notice that you are also living a more minimal lifestyle.
It all depends on what you want to focus more on. For some people minimalism is just way too scary and they can’t start to dive into that lifestyle. Others might find intentional living too burdensome. I believe that one of the reasons why a lot of people don’t choose either one of them or start but then soon give up is because they except perfection. They want to live a minimal life in a week or be more intentional over night. The truth is that things don’t work that way. We all know that way too good but still end up caught in the perfectionism trap.
I love intentional living and minimalism because I decide the ways I’m going to apply them in my life and I do it at own time and limit. Something that I’m trying to do is to go one step at the time and not beating myself up when I lose focus as that happens more than I would like to admit. Don’t give up before you even started. Get informed and work with yourself and your lifestyle. Don’t follow someone else’s way and then get disappointed when it doesn’t provide result you wanted to.
Have you heard about intentional living before?
Do you think you would be open to incorporating it in your lifestyle?
Hair is one of the most beautiful accessories a woman owns. In summer days we tend to focus our attention to skincare but not so much to hair care. Hair definitely deserves to be treated right as it is very sensitive to high temperature that summer brings. Salt water and chlorine leave a mark on hair that we would rather skip.
Without right and regular hair care styling our hair can became a real trouble. Texture, length, volume and color are all the things that are different from person to person. Something that should be the same is the fact that each and every hair deserves quality care. Here are few advice's on how to take care for your hair in these hot days without too much effort.
Hair is one of the most beautiful accessories a woman owns. In summer days we tend to focus our attention to skincare but not so much to hair care. Hair definitely deserves to be treated right as it is very sensitive to high temperature that summer brings. Salt water and chlorine leave a mark on hair that we would rather skip.
Without right and regular hair care styling our hair can became a real trouble. Texture, length, volume and color are all the things that are different from person to person. Something that should be the same is the fact that each and every hair deserves quality care. Here are few advice's on how to take care for your hair in these hot days without too much effort.
Natural and organic skincare is something I've been incorporating in my daily life for at least a year now. I’ve always been very skeptical towards products that contain a lot of chemicals inside them as that’s something I don’t want my skin to absorb. Sometimes we tend to treat our skin as a testing ground and choose products without thinking about the impact they can have on our skin but also our overall health. When Biomed reached out to me I first researched a little bit about the brand and after learning what they stand up for I knew I wanted to try out some of their products.
Natural and organic skincare is something I've been incorporating in my daily life for at least a year now. I’ve always been very skeptical towards products that contain a lot of chemicals inside them as that’s something I don’t want my skin to absorb. Sometimes we tend to treat our skin as a testing ground and choose products without thinking about the impact they can have on our skin but also our overall health. When Biomed reached out to me I first researched a little bit about the brand and after learning what they stand up for I knew I wanted to try out some of their products.
Having Summer Body as a goal creates this image of slim yet toned body you can show off in your bikini just for those few Summer months. We get so focused to achieve that Summer body couple of months before the actual Summer and get highly disappointed when we don’t achieve it. Of course we do, who wouldn't? We are striving for something that lasts for just a season. Our body isn’t a trend we should follow because of the society standards. Our body is our home and you don’t just clean your home for a season and then just let it be messy for the rest of the year.
Having Summer Body as a goal creates this image of slim yet toned body you can show off in your bikini just for those few Summer months. We get so focused to achieve that Summer body couple of months before the actual Summer and get highly disappointed when we don’t achieve it. Of course we do, who wouldn't? We are striving for something that lasts for just a season. Our body isn’t a trend we should follow because of the society standards. Our body is our home and you don’t just clean your home for a season and then just let it be messy for the rest of the year.
We all have those off days when we don’t know what we should or want to do with ourselves. We don’t feel like doing anything extra but also don’t want to spend our whole day doing absolutely nothing. All of our friends are busy and we watched all episodes of our favorite TV shows.
Well there are still some things you can do to have fun but also benefit from them. Although at first they might seem too time and energy consuming, they are really not once you put some fun into them. So if today is one of those kinds of days don’t worry and just pick one or all of the things mentioned in this post.
We all have those off days when we don’t know what we should or want to do with ourselves. We don’t feel like doing anything extra but also don’t want to spend our whole day doing absolutely nothing. All of our friends are busy and we watched all episodes of our favorite TV shows.
Well there are still some things you can do to have fun but also benefit from them. Although at first they might seem too time and energy consuming, they are really not once you put some fun into them. So if today is one of those kinds of days don’t worry and just pick one or all of the things mentioned in this post.
Sometimes even the biggest bookworms have trouble to consistently read and make time for reading. As someone who used to read two book a week and then suddenly hitting the slump I found some hacks that helped me get back on track. In today’s post I’m sharing just 3 that I find the most helpful. They are something we can all incorporate in our everyday life and make reading a priority.
Sometimes even the biggest bookworms have trouble to consistently read and make time for reading. As someone who used to read two book a week and then suddenly hitting the slump I found some hacks that helped me get back on track. In today’s post I’m sharing just 3 that I find the most helpful. They are something we can all incorporate in our everyday life and make reading a priority.
Self-care is probably something you read or heard about a lot in a past couple of years. It became one of the most popular topics for so many authors, bloggers and YouTubers. They are all talking about what self-care should be like and how you can incorporate it in your life but I haven’t heard a lot of them talking about how to choose the right one for yourself.
When you look about all the self-care routines out there it can be quite overwhelming to know what would work the best for you. This post might help you to realize what you should look at while choosing the best self-care routine for yourself.
Self-care is probably something you read or heard about a lot in a past couple of years. It became one of the most popular topics for so many authors, bloggers and YouTubers. They are all talking about what self-care should be like and how you can incorporate it in your life but I haven’t heard a lot of them talking about how to choose the right one for yourself.
When you look about all the self-care routines out there it can be quite overwhelming to know what would work the best for you. This post might help you to realize what you should look at while choosing the best self-care routine for yourself.
When you don’t pay attention negative behavior can sneak into your everyday life. Although at first it might not feel like anything drastic, as time goes by it can easily get out of control and ruin your life without you even noticing. Just take a few minutes and see if you can notice any of the things mentioned below. If you can see more than two of them then it’s time to make a change. Don’t worry, we can do it together.
When you don’t pay attention negative behavior can sneak into your everyday life. Although at first it might not feel like anything drastic, as time goes by it can easily get out of control and ruin your life without you even noticing. Just take a few minutes and see if you can notice any of the things mentioned below. If you can see more than two of them then it’s time to make a change. Don’t worry, we can do it together.
Have you ever had that annoying feeling of guilt that you know you should't have had? Yeah, you are probably not the only one. Guilt is something that we feel when we do something wrong and in those kind of situation we are probably feeling guilt for the right reason. There is also a feeling of guilt when someone or we ourselves are putting it on us when there is really no reason to do so. Sometimes we just need somebody to tell us about some things that we should not feel guilty about.
Have you ever had that annoying feeling of guilt that you know you should't have had? Yeah, you are probably not the only one. Guilt is something that we feel when we do something wrong and in those kind of situation we are probably feeling guilt for the right reason. There is also a feeling of guilt when someone or we ourselves are putting it on us when there is really no reason to do so. Sometimes we just need somebody to tell us about some things that we should not feel guilty about.
Cosmetics has been used in one way or another for centuries. Its popularity seems not be fading away. Makeup brands and the whole beauty industry are working on new products each second. The amount of different makeup products that you can find in drugstores is quite overwhelming. Somehow owning more became a trend, at least that seems to be case beauty wised. As a proud owner of a minimal makeup collection here are some things that I realized after taking this road.
Cosmetics has been used in one way or another for centuries. Its popularity seems not be fading away. Makeup brands and the whole beauty industry are working on new products each second. The amount of different makeup products that you can find in drugstores is quite overwhelming. Somehow owning more became a trend, at least that seems to be case beauty wised. As a proud owner of a minimal makeup collection here are some things that I realized after taking this road.
Staying in the safety of our comfort zone seems like the logic thing to do. We can be sure that nothing unpredictable will happen as that may make us feel uncomfortable. We tend to try to avoid any new and slightly scary things that may appear in our life even though deep down we know that we can benefit from that. Some people tend to push themselves a little bit too hard. They constantly try to do things that they feel afraid of or uncomfortable. Something I think we all need is a healthy balance between challenging ourselves while still feeling grounded and safe.
Staying in the safety of our comfort zone seems like the logic thing to do. We can be sure that nothing unpredictable will happen as that may make us feel uncomfortable. We tend to try to avoid any new and slightly scary things that may appear in our life even though deep down we know that we can benefit from that. Some people tend to push themselves a little bit too hard. They constantly try to do things that they feel afraid of or uncomfortable. Something I think we all need is a healthy balance between challenging ourselves while still feeling grounded and safe.
“If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence, we could rise up rooted like trees."
~Rainer Maria Rilke~
“If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence, we could rise up rooted like trees."
~Rainer Maria Rilke~
Getting from a High School that was just 45 minutes away from my home by bus to moving to the big city that is 80 kilometers away and living there for 5 days a week was quite a big change. Moving from home when I was 18 years old and heading to a completely different surrounding shaped me as a person. I have been living in the city for 3 years now and it is still crazy for me to look back at all the things that happened and how they affected me.
Getting from a High School that was just 45 minutes away from my home by bus to moving to the big city that is 80 kilometers away and living there for 5 days a week was quite a big change. Moving from home when I was 18 years old and heading to a completely different surrounding shaped me as a person. I have been living in the city for 3 years now and it is still crazy for me to look back at all the things that happened and how they affected me.
I’m sure that you all heard so many people talking about journaling. Maybe you are one of those who absolutely love to do it. There are so many people who are absolutely amazing at it. Well, few months ago I started doing it myself but somehow just felt a bit overwhelmed with the whole concept and had ups and downs with it. I think that I put too much pressure on myself and I tried to do it like everybody else. If you are the same and find journaling interesting but just never actually prioritized it or felt like you are just not for that, then you are on the right place. Why don’t we just do it together?
I’m sure that you all heard so many people talking about journaling. Maybe you are one of those who absolutely love to do it. There are so many people who are absolutely amazing at it. Well, few months ago I started doing it myself but somehow just felt a bit overwhelmed with the whole concept and had ups and downs with it. I think that I put too much pressure on myself and I tried to do it like everybody else. If you are the same and find journaling interesting but just never actually prioritized it or felt like you are just not for that, then you are on the right place. Why don’t we just do it together?

Since I can remember, I’ve always had a sweet tooth. I really love chocolate and all different kind of sweets more than any other kind of food. That love became even bigger after I started to bake myself. Baking is something that I find very relaxing and it is one of the ways that I like to let my creativity out. Few months ago I realized that I eat too many sweets a day. I know that too much sugar is not good for your overall health and I knew that I needed to change that. I used to never go more than maybe two days without eating something sweet. So going more than 30 days without a sugar was quite a challenge.

Since I can remember, I’ve always had a sweet tooth. I really love chocolate and all different kind of sweets more than any other kind of food. That love became even bigger after I started to bake myself. Baking is something that I find very relaxing and it is one of the ways that I like to let my creativity out. Few months ago I realized that I eat too many sweets a day. I know that too much sugar is not good for your overall health and I knew that I needed to change that. I used to never go more than maybe two days without eating something sweet. So going more than 30 days without a sugar was quite a challenge.
In one way or another we all want to be the best version of ourselves. This is a life long journey that can sometimes take us to challenging roads. Throughout the human history we can see a lot of examples of humans desire to evolve and grow. It can be seen in many different ways through philosophy, psychology, science, etc. In today’s world we call that a journey to personal growth. We are looking for that something that is going to give a special kind of meaning to our lives. Some people find it easier to realize what they want from their lives and what they need to do to get there. For others it can be a struggle.
In one way or another we all want to be the best version of ourselves. This is a life long journey that can sometimes take us to challenging roads. Throughout the human history we can see a lot of examples of humans desire to evolve and grow. It can be seen in many different ways through philosophy, psychology, science, etc. In today’s world we call that a journey to personal growth. We are looking for that something that is going to give a special kind of meaning to our lives. Some people find it easier to realize what they want from their lives and what they need to do to get there. For others it can be a struggle.
It has been official Spring for quite some time and as I can see from all of the flower photos on Instagram, a lot of people are happy about it. I definitely get it as we are all connected to nature and seeing it waking up in the most beautiful way, makes us want to wake up as well. I’m sure that you have been hearing people talking about Spring cleaning a lot and maybe you are one of them as well.
Some are focusing only on home cleaning and some incorporate it in all aspects of their life. I’m kind of in the middle of these two and want to share with you just 3 things that I’m going to Spring clean this year from my life and hopefully you will do the same with me.
Some are focusing only on home cleaning and some incorporate it in all aspects of their life. I’m kind of in the middle of these two and want to share with you just 3 things that I’m going to Spring clean this year from my life and hopefully you will do the same with me.
It has been official Spring for quite some time and as I can see from all of the flower photos on Instagram, a lot of people are happy about it. I definitely get it as we are all connected to nature and seeing it waking up in the most beautiful way, makes us want to wake up as well. I’m sure that you have been hearing people talking about Spring cleaning a lot and maybe you are one of them as well.
Some are focusing only on home cleaning and some incorporate it in all aspects of their life. I’m kind of in the middle of these two and want to share with you just 3 things that I’m going to Spring clean this year from my life and hopefully you will do the same with me.
Some are focusing only on home cleaning and some incorporate it in all aspects of their life. I’m kind of in the middle of these two and want to share with you just 3 things that I’m going to Spring clean this year from my life and hopefully you will do the same with me.
We live in a world where almost everything is focused on selling and buying. The consumerism is rooted in our lives. We are surrounded by so many materialistic things and a lot of people don’t know when it’s a right time to stop. I realized that throughout last year I stopped buying a lot of things that I would normally buy without even thinking about it. I shifted my perspective on the materialism and consumer society. It’s easy to get lost in all the ads and marketing trick that are trying to get us buying thing that we don’t even need or at least not in that way.
We live in a world where almost everything is focused on selling and buying. The consumerism is rooted in our lives. We are surrounded by so many materialistic things and a lot of people don’t know when it’s a right time to stop. I realized that throughout last year I stopped buying a lot of things that I would normally buy without even thinking about it. I shifted my perspective on the materialism and consumer society. It’s easy to get lost in all the ads and marketing trick that are trying to get us buying thing that we don’t even need or at least not in that way.
Finding a person you can truly call a friends is very special and you should feel blessed if you are one of those people. Connecting with someone on that level is not an easy thing to do. Some people just don’t get what being a real friend means. It’s definitely a relationship that requires a lot of patience and work. Maintaining a close friendship throughout the years is challenging but also very rewarding. Sometimes while we deal with our own problems we can neglect our best friend who is also going through hard time. So how to be a supportive friend even through those kind of times?
Finding a person you can truly call a friends is very special and you should feel blessed if you are one of those people. Connecting with someone on that level is not an easy thing to do. Some people just don’t get what being a real friend means. It’s definitely a relationship that requires a lot of patience and work. Maintaining a close friendship throughout the years is challenging but also very rewarding. Sometimes while we deal with our own problems we can neglect our best friend who is also going through hard time. So how to be a supportive friend even through those kind of times?
Sometimes we can be our own enemies. We put barriers in front of us without even realizing it. Our mind is a mysterious thing. In one moment you can be the most confident and inspired person alive and in another you can feel lost and like you don’t know what to do next. One of the most common mindsets that is probably holding you back right now is the thought of not feeling like doing something. This is something that I believe all of us struggle or have struggled with at one point in our lives. The hardest thing about it is that it’s never the same and you can’t really know when it’ll appear. So what to do when it does come?
Sometimes we can be our own enemies. We put barriers in front of us without even realizing it. Our mind is a mysterious thing. In one moment you can be the most confident and inspired person alive and in another you can feel lost and like you don’t know what to do next. One of the most common mindsets that is probably holding you back right now is the thought of not feeling like doing something. This is something that I believe all of us struggle or have struggled with at one point in our lives. The hardest thing about it is that it’s never the same and you can’t really know when it’ll appear. So what to do when it does come?
Podcasts definitely became quite popular in last few years. It seems like everybody is either talking about them or having their own. There are so many of them about everything and anything you can think about. I know how hard it can be to find the ones that you’ll enjoy listening to for a long period of time. I definitely tried to listen to some in the past and they just didn’t work for me. We are all interested in different fields and thankfully the variety of podcasts is incredible. As helpful as it is to have a lot of options it can also be quite confusing and frustrating. After a long time of searching for the right podcasts for me here are just 3 of which I think are worth listening to.
Podcasts definitely became quite popular in last few years. It seems like everybody is either talking about them or having their own. There are so many of them about everything and anything you can think about. I know how hard it can be to find the ones that you’ll enjoy listening to for a long period of time. I definitely tried to listen to some in the past and they just didn’t work for me. We are all interested in different fields and thankfully the variety of podcasts is incredible. As helpful as it is to have a lot of options it can also be quite confusing and frustrating. After a long time of searching for the right podcasts for me here are just 3 of which I think are worth listening to.
TV must be one of the greatest inventions in human history as probably every person owns or have owned a TV. With new and bigger models being released daily it seems like its fame haven’t decreased at all. Well that might not be the complete truth although there still are a lot of families that own more than just one TV in their homes. The quality of the TV program isn’t everywhere the same which is probably one of the reasons why so many people are deciding to reduce the TV watching time or even completely get rid of it. I was one of them.
TV must be one of the greatest inventions in human history as probably every person owns or have owned a TV. With new and bigger models being released daily it seems like its fame haven’t decreased at all. Well that might not be the complete truth although there still are a lot of families that own more than just one TV in their homes. The quality of the TV program isn’t everywhere the same which is probably one of the reasons why so many people are deciding to reduce the TV watching time or even completely get rid of it. I was one of them.
Life is a big old road on which some signs are not as clear as others. Life puts hills and mountains on our path to see if we are willing to push through them. Sometimes we blindly follow others and other times we try to found our own path. Well the reason why so many people follow others is because finding your own path is so freaking hard. Knowing what you want to do when you grow up and who you want to be is one of the hardest and scariest parts of life but without them, what would life even be?
Life is a big old road on which some signs are not as clear as others. Life puts hills and mountains on our path to see if we are willing to push through them. Sometimes we blindly follow others and other times we try to found our own path. Well the reason why so many people follow others is because finding your own path is so freaking hard. Knowing what you want to do when you grow up and who you want to be is one of the hardest and scariest parts of life but without them, what would life even be?
Body and mind are in a very special connection. We wouldn’t be alive without one of them. Focusing just on body or just on mind is something a lot of people tend to do. It’s known from the human history and through philosophy that some give bigger meaning to body and neglect the mind, while others find mind to be the most important. Some people often embrace that way of thinking and get to extremes.
Body and mind are in a very special connection. We wouldn’t be alive without one of them. Focusing just on body or just on mind is something a lot of people tend to do. It’s known from the human history and through philosophy that some give bigger meaning to body and neglect the mind, while others find mind to be the most important. Some people often embrace that way of thinking and get to extremes.
“To build a city where it is impossible to build a city is madness in itself, but to build there one of the most elegant and grandest of cities is the madness of genius.”
~ Alexander Herzen
“To build a city where it is impossible to build a city is madness in itself, but to build there one of the most elegant and grandest of cities is the madness of genius.”
~ Alexander Herzen
Traveling is definitely something most of us want to do more. You are probably dreaming about the new places you want to visit every day. How wouldn’t you? There are so many wonderful destinations waiting just for you to explore. The only problem is that you may not have enough time for some big travels as your life is pretty busy s it is. Well I’m sure you can squeeze a one day trip to your schedule once in a while.
One of the best ways to actually explore new places on a budget is going on a one day trip. There are a lot of different agencies that can easily help you with making the right decision. If you are still not convinced here are 4 reasons that will probably convince you.
One of the best ways to actually explore new places on a budget is going on a one day trip. There are a lot of different agencies that can easily help you with making the right decision. If you are still not convinced here are 4 reasons that will probably convince you.
Traveling is definitely something most of us want to do more. You are probably dreaming about the new places you want to visit every day. How wouldn’t you? There are so many wonderful destinations waiting just for you to explore. The only problem is that you may not have enough time for some big travels as your life is pretty busy s it is. Well I’m sure you can squeeze a one day trip to your schedule once in a while.
One of the best ways to actually explore new places on a budget is going on a one day trip. There are a lot of different agencies that can easily help you with making the right decision. If you are still not convinced here are 4 reasons that will probably convince you.
One of the best ways to actually explore new places on a budget is going on a one day trip. There are a lot of different agencies that can easily help you with making the right decision. If you are still not convinced here are 4 reasons that will probably convince you.
Do you remember? Do you remember that day when you didn’t think about anything else but the place, people and situation you were in? If you can easily recall that moment then good for you but let’s be completely honest, most of us have quite a hard time remembering. It’s something that became very much normal. It’s like we just live life in some kind of "cloudy state". Things happen to us but it’s like they aren’t actually happening to us in that exact moment. We are going through moments after they are already over. For most of the times we only remember them through photos and videos instead of remembering them from the emotions and feelings we felt in that exact second.
Do you remember? Do you remember that day when you didn’t think about anything else but the place, people and situation you were in? If you can easily recall that moment then good for you but let’s be completely honest, most of us have quite a hard time remembering. It’s something that became very much normal. It’s like we just live life in some kind of "cloudy state". Things happen to us but it’s like they aren’t actually happening to us in that exact moment. We are going through moments after they are already over. For most of the times we only remember them through photos and videos instead of remembering them from the emotions and feelings we felt in that exact second.
We live in a consumer society that each day works on new ways to make you buy more. Wherever you go you can see advertisements of so many different products. They are so well made that make you unconsciously want to buy it, although you know that you don’t necessary need it. Shopping is now promoted as something fun and a way to release all of your stress and worries. This view on shopping is harming us and the environment we live in. It’s easy to get lost in the latest products that look good and it seems like a perfectly reasonable idea to own them when in fact you probably want to buy them just because of the way they look and not because you really need them. So then how to resist the urge to shop???
We live in a consumer society that each day works on new ways to make you buy more. Wherever you go you can see advertisements of so many different products. They are so well made that make you unconsciously want to buy it, although you know that you don’t necessary need it. Shopping is now promoted as something fun and a way to release all of your stress and worries. This view on shopping is harming us and the environment we live in. It’s easy to get lost in the latest products that look good and it seems like a perfectly reasonable idea to own them when in fact you probably want to buy them just because of the way they look and not because you really need them. So then how to resist the urge to shop???
We all have those days when we just don’t feel like hanging out with big group of people at noisy places. For some those kind of places may be clubs and for some family reunions. All we want is to just be quite and pray that nobody will come to talk with us. On other times we don’t want to be social but don’t want to be alone as well. Well, I've had quite a few of those kind of moments. I'm going to share with you few ways that might help you to be at least just a little bit more sociable.
We all have those days when we just don’t feel like hanging out with big group of people at noisy places. For some those kind of places may be clubs and for some family reunions. All we want is to just be quite and pray that nobody will come to talk with us. On other times we don’t want to be social but don’t want to be alone as well. Well, I've had quite a few of those kind of moments. I'm going to share with you few ways that might help you to be at least just a little bit more sociable.
Taking that next big step in life and moving away from your parents can be scary and overwhelming. When the feeling of insecurity and unknown starts to appear with them comes the homesickness. Well, sometimes we can even feel strange if we don’t feel homesick. We all need certain time to adapt to new situations. Sometimes we can feel guilty if we get used to new situation fast and we tend to not feel that homesick anymore. It’s a feeling that can make us feel uncertain. Here are some of the reasons that you’re not feeling homesick anymore and it’s completely okay.
Taking that next big step in life and moving away from your parents can be scary and overwhelming. When the feeling of insecurity and unknown starts to appear with them comes the homesickness. Well, sometimes we can even feel strange if we don’t feel homesick. We all need certain time to adapt to new situations. Sometimes we can feel guilty if we get used to new situation fast and we tend to not feel that homesick anymore. It’s a feeling that can make us feel uncertain. Here are some of the reasons that you’re not feeling homesick anymore and it’s completely okay.
If you are a university student or you were one then I’m sure that you all know how stressful some days can be. Student life definitely has its advantages but that period of time when all the exams come at once is definitely not one of them. There are a lot of different techniques for studying that I’m sure you already tried yourself. I’ve been there myself and realized that a lot of them just don’t work for me. Then, one day I stumbled upon one that completely changed my study game.
If you are a university student or you were one then I’m sure that you all know how stressful some days can be. Student life definitely has its advantages but that period of time when all the exams come at once is definitely not one of them. There are a lot of different techniques for studying that I’m sure you already tried yourself. I’ve been there myself and realized that a lot of them just don’t work for me. Then, one day I stumbled upon one that completely changed my study game.
Those days when you’re off work or free from any university obligations might be rare but they are precious. Wasting those kinds of days doing absolutely nothing may not be the best idea. There is nothing worse than realizing that you’ve done absolutely nothing meaningful for the whole day and regretting it. Keep reading if you want to know which 6 things I think you should definitely do on your day off.
Those days when you’re off work or free from any university obligations might be rare but they are precious. Wasting those kinds of days doing absolutely nothing may not be the best idea. There is nothing worse than realizing that you’ve done absolutely nothing meaningful for the whole day and regretting it. Keep reading if you want to know which 6 things I think you should definitely do on your day off.
I’m sure that most of you are already aware about the harm that the plastic is doing to our home, the Earth. I’m so happy that this issue is talked a lot and that more and more people are getting on a board to help cut the plastic use. If you are still not quite sure why exactly is the plastic such a big problem then you can find a lot of articles and videos about the topic.
Plastic sneaked in our lives without us realizing or trying to realize how bad it actually is to not just our own health but for the health of the whole planet. I know how hard it is to stop using plastic when it seems that you just can’t get away of it. I have 3 simple but very meaningful ways that you can start practicing right now to make this world a cleaner and healthier for not only you but for the next generations as well.
I’m sure that most of you are already aware about the harm that the plastic is doing to our home, the Earth. I’m so happy that this issue is talked a lot and that more and more people are getting on a board to help cut the plastic use. If you are still not quite sure why exactly is the plastic such a big problem then you can find a lot of articles and videos about the topic.
Plastic sneaked in our lives without us realizing or trying to realize how bad it actually is to not just our own health but for the health of the whole planet. I know how hard it is to stop using plastic when it seems that you just can’t get away of it. I have 3 simple but very meaningful ways that you can start practicing right now to make this world a cleaner and healthier for not only you but for the next generations as well.
Well Happy New Year to all of you!
I hope that you had a nice time welcoming it in a great company and that now you’re ready to make 2019 the best it can be. I’m sure that most of you already set some incredible goals for yourself and that you are determined to work for them. I think that looking forward to the future and all that it brings is very important but I also think that for a few moments going back to the last year and reflecting is what can help you to really start the new year in the best possible way.
Well Happy New Year to all of you!
I hope that you had a nice time welcoming it in a great company and that now you’re ready to make 2019 the best it can be. I’m sure that most of you already set some incredible goals for yourself and that you are determined to work for them. I think that looking forward to the future and all that it brings is very important but I also think that for a few moments going back to the last year and reflecting is what can help you to really start the new year in the best possible way.
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