Simple Ways To Learn A New Language

Monday, January 15, 2018

"To have another language is to possess a second soul." ~ Charlamagne 

If you have even a little bit of free time and will then learning a new language is definitely something you should be doing. There are of course courses that you can take to really learn it with a help of a language teacher which is amazing if you have extra money. For those who would first like to start exploring and seeing which language they would like to get better at there are some free and fun ways to do it. 

There are a lot of the reasons why it’s hard to learn a different language and one of them is that you can’t actually hear it around you. One of the easiest ways of learning a new language is to live in that country but as that’s just not possible for everybody YouTube is a great solution. There are YouTubers from all around the world. You can easily find them and just listen at them pronouncing words and using different phrases. Although you may not know everything they are saying that’s totally okay. You are at least going to understand the meaning out of context. Of course that means that you are already familiar with some words, but you can easily translate them. 

There are a lot of languages learning video courses n YouTube. This is the serious way of learning as it’s like you’re on a class. I would recommend you to try and find those if you aren’t that familiar with the language you would like to learn. It’s beneficial to have notebook in which you can take notes and always write down new words. You can easily go through it and repeat what you learned. If you really focus and take it serious you’ll be able to master the basics very quickly.

Reading will help you master the writing part of learning a language but also you will learn how to pronounce the words. When you see the written word it will be easier for you to actually write it down as you will be able to easily remember it. As well as with the YouTube, there are nowadays a lot of bloggers from different countries. You can easily find the ones that you think you’ll enjoy reading the most. The best way is to search for them on Bloglovin. There are some incredible foreign bloggers out there that will definitely make the learning process a lot easier. If you feel that you know quite a lot of the language , want to improve it even more and love to read than of course you can get book and dive into it. 

You can go from easier ones to more advance. You can take it as slow as you need and really focus on each sentence. I would recommend you to read a book that you already read on your mother language. It’ll be a lot easier for you to understand it as you’ll already know what it is about. Another great option is an audio book that you can listen while commuting or whenever you have free time. 

This is the combination of reading and listening and it may be the most fun one to do. Just get some popcorns, cup of tea and put one the movie or tv show. This makes it so enjoyable as it doesn’t feel like learning at all. As you’re getting pulled into the movie/tv show a lot of words and phrases will stuck to you. You’ll definitely notice that if you’re watching a show as you’ll be able to say the word before they do after reading the subtitle in your language. This is definitely a great way to learn how to have a small talk and the culture in that country which is very important. Language is one of the uniqueness of a country and of the nation. 

There are a lot of web sites where you can find movies and tv shows you would like to watch. When I was younger I used to watch a lot of telenovelas (Mexican tv shows) so now I can understand quite a lot of Spanish and I can actually speak a little bit of it as well. The reason why I also know English quite well is because of the movies and tv shows that I’ve watched while I was younger but also now.

How many languages do you know? 
Which ones do you want to learn next? 

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