This Is How You'll Stay On Top Of Every Task

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

I'm pretty sure that being productive and staying on top of every work is a new years resolution for some of you. It's definitely a popular one as we all want to be more organized and do well in our field. To be completely honest I always struggled with it. I just couldn't find the right approach for me. Thankfully I managed to learn which method works best for me and hopefully some of you will to after reading this post. 

Writing down the most important projects you can think of for the months will put it into perspective. You’ll have a clear vision of your whole month and how many projects you’ll need to work on. It’s obvious that you maybe don’t already know all the projects you’ll have to do and that’s okay as you can easily work them in the schedule once you write down the ones you for sure need to get done with. You can write it down into your planner, any kind of notebook or digital calendar. Whatever works best for you. Personally in the past I only used paper planners and liked to write everything down. It was until I found about Asana that my game plan totally changed.

Asana is a web and mobile application that help you to track your work. It’s basically an online planner. It’s super easy to use and the best part is that it’s completely free. I started using it at the end of the 2017 for my blog projects but also for college. You can easily write down your projects and attach them to a specific due date. There is a calendar option that I love as I can see all of my assignments on a monthly base. Definitely recommending it if you want to be more organized.


This is probably the most important part of actually getting things done. We usually end up writing big projects and work on them whenever we suddenly remember them and then at the end when we’re not done with them we wonder why. It’s because we don’t set the tasks that will help us to finish that project. So if for example one of your projects is to write a scientific work for one of your classes you need to brainstorm and write down every little task you’ll need to do for it. Write down even the smaller tasks you can think about. This is a real plan of action. Setting due date for every task will make it less stressful as you’ll know exactly how many days or hours do you have until the due date of the actual project. 

Ticking of any task you finish will give you more motivation and satisfaction. You’ll have enough time to get everything done but also for your personal life. Asana is great with this part of planning as well. You can write down as many tasks under a specific project you have and see it all in one place. It’s also very convenient if you want to change anything. 

Going through your calendar weekend before is very important. Taking 15 to 30 minutes to look at projects you have scheduled and tasks you need to do will put it into your mind and you won’t overlook anything. This is even more important if you have more than three big projects planned. It can get a little bit too much when on Monday morning you see 20 tasks you need to do. The motivation and excitement disappear right away. Giving yourself some time to actually review your week is a great way to ease your mind into the new week and all the tasks. 

This is also a great time to make any changes or reschedule any tasks you haven’t been able to do week before. Or write some new ones. Try to visualize you actually accomplishing every task as it’ll make you motivated and excited to actually do it. After all you’ll feel extremely happy and proud of yourself once you do it. I made this cute daily planner that you can easily print and start using for more organized day. 

How do you stay on top of every task? 
Do you feel motivated?

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