#2 Blogging Advice's From Bloggers

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

After getting such a good feedback I received on #1 Blogging Advice's From Bloggers post I decided to do another one. In first part Clliona gave advice on photography and Maria on content. Today the incredible Charlotte from blog Colours and Carouses will tell you her advice and tips about social media. 


"Social media is so important when it comes to promoting your posts and growing your audience because it provides another platform for you to connect with new people. When using social media you need to let your personality shine through, which will help you stand out from the crowd, and it also helps your readers to get to know you! It's important to be consistent, so if you can try to use the same name on all platforms, or at least make sure you have a link to your blog in your bio so people know that it's you. 

If you're using things like Twitter and Facebook to promote your blog posts it can be a good idea to try and schedule some posts to go out throughout the day, as this helps to keep your profile active even if you can't always be online. I try to schedule roughly 10-12 tweets about my blog posts or videos throughout the day, spread out across different times to try and hit as many time zones as possible. 

Peak times like the morning rush hour, lunch time or early evening can be great as there are usually lots of people active on social media then! Apart from that, I think the best thing you can do on social media is to get involved. It's called "social" media for a reason! It's a brilliant way to find new friends and talk to people that you wouldn't usually, so I like to try and reply to lots of tweets and just generally be active online. Starting a conversation can lead to finding a new friend, a new blog to read or a new reader for your own blog, too!" ~ Charlotte 

I want to thank Charlotte for giving so many great advice's about social media. I definitely learned a lot and I really hope that you did too. I know that a lot of you as well as myself can sometimes get a little bit overwhelmed by the social world. 

Do you have any tips for social media? 

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