An Interview With Rebecca from From Roses

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

I'm very happy to share today's post with you.  It's an interview with beautiful Rebecca from blog From Roses. I'm sure that you all know who Rebecca is and that you love her as much as I do.  I've been a big fan of hers and her work for so long and it is a big honor to interview her. 

Can you tell my readers little bit about yourself and your blog From Roses?
Hey, I’m Rebecca! I’m 27 and I live in the UK. I’m the girl behind the beauty and lifestyle blog From Roses where I create daily content. 

What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?
Not so much a moment but as I blog daily I find it difficult to keep things fresh all the time.

At what moment did you know that you want to blog full time? 
I became self-employed through health reasons and was running various different projects at the time and the blog just kind of took over. Not a super inspiring tale I know but that’s the truth of it!

How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running as you blog daily? 
Blogging daily is challenging but it’s something that I absolutely adore and I find it incredibly satisfying which is why I blog daily. 

What do you think is the best service a blogger can provide to his readers?

A place that they love to visit and brings joy to their life. 

How do you structure your day?
I start my day at 5am, start work typically around 7 or 8 and then finish preferably around 4 or 5. But that’s a really good day and ideally how my day looks but that’s not always the case and it changes constantly. 

Where and how do you work best?
In my office, early in the morning when the world hasn’t quite begun yet. 

What's the best blogging advice you received?
Write a blog that you’d want to read. 

How do you balance blogging daily with your personal life?
I keep off my phone and IG stories when I’m spending time with my loved ones and I find that creates a healthyish balance between everything. 

Can you share what's next for you and your blog? 
Hopefully there are a few things coming up but nothing is set in stone yet!


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