Things To Do Between College Classes

Monday, October 24, 2016

As a new student I'm adjusting to the new college life. I really like my campus and my classes. If you're not familiar I'm studying Philosophy and religious sciences.  I'm pretty happy with my time table. I have most of my classes in the morning which is great because I have my whole afternoon free. But on some day's a I have quite a long time between my classes which I need to fill my time.  

  • Take a walk ~ This is the easiest thing to do. As I am a fresher and I’m not that familiar with the places around my college taking a walk is the perfect time for me to explore a little bit. Also this is the first time I'm actually living away from home in the big city so there is a lot of places where I can go for a walk. 

  • Do homework ~ I have a lot of reading to do for my college classes and there are always a few assignments beside them. That's why I like to do them between I need to go on another class.  This way I don’t have to do it later when I go back at my dorm room and can straight go to studying. 

  • Explore campus ~ My campus isn't very big but I love to find out about cute little spots where I can learn or just relax for a little bit. I really like the interior and exterior of my campus so I'm really enjoying exploring. It's obvious that the library is my favorite part of it. 

  • Take a nap ~ If you have enough time to go back to your dorm room or apartment and you don’t have any homework, then take a 20 minute long nap. This is great if you studied  long into the night or didn’t sleep well.  But be careful to make your alarms so that to don’t sleep over your class. 

  • Clean your dorm room ~ I can get quite easy to start build up unnecessary papers, flyers or other bits and bobs that you just don't need. My dorm room is pretty small and I just can't afford to clutter it. I'm one of those people who can't get things done if their working space isn't clean. So I always clean behind myself. 

So those are the things that I like to do between my college classes. They are super easy and fun things to do. Hope you liked this post. xx

What do you do between your college classes? 
What are you studying? 
